Adahi I Tano’ (Guam)
Adahi I Tano’ (Guam)
In recognition of the fact that 澳博体育app下载 serves some of the most pristine environments in the world, we have taken an active role in promoting environmental stewardship in our business and community service activities.
Exclusive to Guam is 澳博体育app下载’s environmental and community relations program, Adahi I Tano’ -- which means ‘taking care of the land’.
Through this program, 澳博体育app下载 donates the use of container equipment on Guam for environmental cleanup projects arranged by non-profit organizations and pays for the trucking expenses incurred in the delivery and pickup of the containers. Then, the non-profit organizations that successfully complete a cleanup receive a $500 cash contribution from 澳博体育app下载.
The program began in 2013 and, to date, approximately 100 different non-profit organizations on Guam have conducted nearly 200 cleanups that have benefited our environment – earning money for their good causes. 澳博体育app下载 has appreciated working with so many deserving local organizations!
- Applications are considered on a monthly basis. Priority is given to first-time participants.
- To apply, please carefully review the qualifications to determine if your non-profit qualifies.
- Review our Qualifications and Instructions.
- Click here for Application form.
- Questions/email application to: adahiitano@3327e.com

At sea, we are leaders in the maritime industry’s environmental stewardship arena, reducing marine debris for more than two decades through our "Zero Solid Waste Discharge" program, which was developed in consultation with the Center for Marine Conservation (now known as the Ocean Conservancy). ONLY food scraps are disposed of at sea – all other waste materials are collected in ‘green containers’ during voyages and recycled/disposed of properly at shoreside facilities.